Target Marketing: BarBox

Colleen Harley
5 min readMar 21, 2021


Now-a-days, it seems there is a monthly subscription service for EVERYTHING. From groceries, to beauty products, even alcohol delivery services.

Now, imagine a world where your dog receives mail or packages….

No seriously, imagine you have a package delivered to your house and though it is addressed to you, the actual products inside are exclusively for your beloved furry friend.

Introducing: BARKBOX!


That’s exactly what BarkBox is- a monthly subscription service that sends packages full of toys, healthy treats, and other goodies right to your doorstep. Which is what makes it such a hit among competitors. Unlike Petcos PupBox, and others, it’s designed for dogs of all ages, and offers a variety of sizes based off of your furry little friend. According to’s FAQ Page,

“A box of dog joy delivered monthly from the dog-obsessed Bark family directly to dogs and their people. Each box tells a different story with themed toys, treats and photo-worthy props.

Our classic assortment is 2 toys, 2 treats, and 1 chew — but you can Tailor to fit your dog’s needs.” (


Target Market

Who does BarkBox aim to serve? Aside from their furry counterparts, BarBox’s target market is for dog owners and lovers, male or female, from the ages of 18 and up. Since the retailer is more of an “extra” or a “luxury” item for your pooch, and not exactly a necessity item, those who do purchase a subscription more than likely have a normal or steady income, of any educational level. These people would like to give their fur-babies a little something extra to look forward to each and every month.

According to when talking about pricing of the BarkBox itself,

“Well, it all depends on the period of subscription. One can choose to go for Barkbox 1 month plan, 6 months plan or 12 months plan. The 1 year or 12 months plan is one of the best as it allows a subscriber to plan ahead and save more in the long run. Here is breakdown of the 3 major packages:

1 Month Plan: $29

6 Month Pan: $135 upfront ($25 per month)

12 Month Plan: $239 upfront ($21 per month)

Note: All these packages are charged in USD and include free shipping to all Barkbox subscribers. In addition to the regular monthly subscription, customers can add Barkbox premium toy to their box every month but at an extra cost of $9. If you’re looking for bonus toys, then this can definitely be a great option for you.” (

How to market BarkBox to this Target Market?

As a dog owner of a 95 lb Yellow Labrador retriever myself, I think I am overly qualified to answer this question. Naturally, as a 25 year old, my first idea is to take to social media. Mainly Instagram. I would run a social media campaign on Instagram first to get the majority of my market (Millennials, Gen Z, some very hip Boomers). I would utilize hashtags #labsofinstagram, #dogsofinstagram, #goldensofinstagram, etc., in order to reach the max amount of potential customers as possible. Utilizing some type of free code that consumers can use for their first time ordering a box such as “FirstBark2021” that would give them a 21% discount!

Currently, BarkBox does a fantastic job of engaging with their followers with the humorous memes and dog related content they post each and everyday on their page. People LOVE humor, especially when it relates to their furry friends.


Using images of happy pups that have received a box on BarkBox ads would encourage owners to purchase a box because they want that same type of joy on their own animals faces. In addition, for even MORE engagement, if I was marketing for BarkBox, I implement a contest where the most creative Instagram/Facebook post won a free BarkBox subscription for a year! A panel of official judges, and input from BarkBox users would vote on 5 rounds over a month long span on Instagram page to determine which pups make it to each round. Whoever is left standing at the end, will win the grand prize!

On Facebook, a “How it Works” video/targeted AD would draw older dog lovers between the ages of 45+ (since that social media is a majority of where the older generation is most active on), to showcase the different types of themed boxes, sizes, and different additions owners can add to their monthly box subscription.

So? Whats the selling point?

The biggest draw for customers of BarkBox is the ability to customize based off each individual dogs needs. Example: an owner with a Corgi will have different needs that an owner of a Bullmastiff. With BarkBox, you can customize by size of the dog, dietary/physical needs, and beyond. That’s what sets it apart from other similar products or competitors.

Why is having a unique selling point important?

In the end, every single retailer or business owner wants their business to become a leader in the niche field they are in. It is imperative for a company or business to understand their target market because it helps to tailor your company to the wants and needs of the public and consumers you serve. There always needs to be something to stand out when marketing your business to stand out against consumers that may have multiple options when choosing a company. Consumers want a company that fits their needs, but is different and stands out against other similar companies. Think “What is going to make someone choose US, over THEM?”



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